Agilio Software Modern Slavery Statement

 Agilio Software Bidco Limited is a UK company with offices in Sheffield, Newcastle and Devon. The Company is a leading provider of software solutions for Healthcare Operations, such as compliance, HR and e-learning. Agilio Software also has a company based in the Netherlands as part of the group, along with employees working in the Republic of Ireland. Agilio Software works with a third-party, international company located in Bulgaria (supporting with software developers). In addition, Agilio have employees based in the Philippines and South Africa, employed via an ‘employer of record’. 


This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Agilio Software’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending March 2024. Here, we state the actions and strategies we have implemented to identify and minimise the risk of slavery and human trafficking taking place in our business or within our supply chain.
This statement applies to all persons

  • Working for Agilio Software or on our behalf, including employees at all levels. 
  • Our suppliers, business partners and contractors. 

Modern slavery involves the exploitation of humans for commercial or personal gain. Modern slavery can take various forms, such as forced labour, domestic servitude, and human trafficking. All forms of modern slavery are violations of human rights. 

Agilio Software has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery within its business and its supply chain. We are committed to continually reviewing and managing the company’s practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. 

Agilio Software is not aware of any slavery or exploitation in any part of our business or supply chain. We consider our risk level to be low. 


In 2024, we will continue to increase our awareness of areas of higher risk and build on our understanding of modern slavery within the software sector. Agilio Software is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business relationships, and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking do not take place anywhere in the business. We communicate our values and our commitment to combatting modern slavery in our company-wide policies, which include:

  • Employee Code of Conduct 
  • Staff handbook 
  • Whistleblowing policy 
  • Diversity and Inclusion Policy 

Training on the elimination of modern slavery in the business is provided to all staff. We provide our employees with an internal online training course ‘Anti-slavery and human trafficking’. 

Supplier Due Diligence 

Agilio Software expects the same high standards and compliance of its suppliers. As part of our contracting process, we include prohibitions against modern slavery, and we expect that our Suppliers will hold their own suppliers to the same high standards. We have introduced a supplier pre-qualification questionnaire for prospective suppliers, which will ensure that our suppliers mirror our values in this area of ethical governance. Our Supplier Code of Conduct communicates the company’s policies and expectations. A supplier must report any incident or suspicion of modern slavery at the earliest possible stage to our Chief HR Officer or the relevant Divisional Managing Director. Agilio Software will immediately terminate its relationship with a supplier if the policy has been violated.


Agilio Software understands that it has a continued responsibility for managing and mitigating the risk of modern slavery within its business and its supply chain in the long
term. We will update our understanding and reassess the nature of the risk, reviewing the relevance and value of the existing policies and strategies.

The responsibility of reviewing and mitigating the risk of modern slavery within Agilio Software and its supply chain belongs to:

  • The Board of Directors, which has overall responsibility to ensure Agilio Software complies with legal and ethical obligations, and that all those under our control comply with it. 
  • The Chief HR Officer is responsible for regularly monitoring the company’s policies and strategies for combatting modern slavery in the business and the supply chain. 
  • The Chief HR Officer is responsible for ensuring everyone at all levels has completed training.