
Online consultation and workflow platform that helps practices manage demand effectively. Link enables you to streamline and manage eConsultations, clinical reviews, patient registrations or data collections at scale.

Digital Inbox for Healthcare

Designed to help streamline external and internal patient communications and support in handling excess demand. Link significantly reduces the administrative burden associated with collecting and processing data from patients.

Capturing information from patients with a simplified workflow for the practice admin team to manage resulting in more effective care and reduced appointments.

Link lets patients provide the information practices require easier, resulting in your team processing it quickly, ultimately bridging the communication gap between patients and practices improving the overall experience.

Managing Demand

Link puts you in control of your demand, with the ability to enable each form individually on its own schedule or once a threshold is met, as well as assigning forms to groups based on form and answers. Capacity limits can be set on individual forms to limit by time and quantity to keep the practice in control of inbound requests.

With a multiple channel touchpoint, forms can be sent via SMS, email, or letter within the platform. Share clinical data by saving to EMIS as a PDF and as structured data with individual SNOMED codes.

Efficiently process cohorts by importing groups of patients and manage collection of responses in bulk. With the option of cross organisation working, share requests between PCNs for better use of ARRS roles.

Key Features

  • Seamless Patient Communication

    Utilise expertly developed templates to conduct patient reviews, gather crucial data, streamline triage, and guide patients towards the right treatment or services.

  • Multi-Channel Reach

    Dispatch forms via SMS, email, or traditional post with convenience.

  • Smart Workflow Management

    Assign forms to groups based on specific form and response criteria, optimising workflow efficiency.

  • Uncompromised Data Sharing

    Safeguard clinical data by saving it directly to EMIS both as structured PDF and as data with individual SNOMED codes*.


    *only available with EMIS Web

  • Supercharged Cohort Processing

    Import and manage responses from groups of patients in bulk, driving response collection accuracy and speed.

  • Stay in Control

    Exercise full control over the capacity limits on individual forms, keeping your practice secure from overflowing inbound requests.

  • Cross-Organisation Collaboration

    Enhance service efficiency by sharing requests between PCNs, maximising the use of ARRS roles.

An ever expanding administration and clinical form library.

The Link platform comes with our complimentary Admin Demand pack, created by our NICE CKS content team.

A variety of administration efficiency and clinical form add-ons to tackle challenges faced by practices will be available soon.

  • Admin Demand Pack

    This forms pack has been designed to make life easier for Practice Managers, including:

    • Request a RX
    • Follow-up on results
    • Friends and family
    • Compliments and complaints
    • Chase a referral
    • Social prescribing
    • Change my details
  • Coming soon

    • Data Collection forms – aligned to QOF and National programmes and designed to optimise your admin efficiency.
    • Remote Condition Review forms – aligned to QOF disease registers, supporting clinical reviews.
    • One Day/Acute Appointment Request forms – designed to reduce clinical demand.
    • Income Generating forms – aimed at boosting your Primary Care income.

Clinical System Integration

  • 1. Find & Link

    Using the information the patient has supplied Link connects the patient to the record.

  • 2. Select Codes

    Choose from a list of suggested SNOMED codes, pre-populated from the form.

  • 3. File & Attach

    With one click, The chosen SNOMED codes are filed to the clinical system. Optionally, you can attach a PDF of the full form to the record.

  • 4. Respond

    Let patients know the outcome of the request via SMS or email.

Clinical Workflow Solution

  • Integrated seamlessly with your GP practice website, forms enable effective and localised signposting
  • Swiftly invite patients to a telephone consultation
  • Follows the NHS Service Design Guidelines, making the forms instantly recognisable and trusted by patients
  • Templates enable patients to conduct reviews remotely via web form
  • Web forms for patients are NHS/GP Practice branded and conform to full accessibility
  • Patients can be contacted for remote review via email or text
  • Templates capture QOF data as well as additional clinical information
  • Interoperability with GP clinical systems to enable inbound coded receipt of form data
  • Promotional tools, materials and tips to raise patient awareness

Find out how we can help manage and shape demand