In Chapter 1, we looked at data sources in IPReports, which allow it to perform all sorts of calculations. As well as stage lines, one of the key pieces of information IPReports looks for is the relevant probe to draw data from – this is controlled by the Location in the TQSoft Test Specification.

As well as providing a data source for IPReports to work with, some TQSoft keywords are also used for calculations within TQSoft for automatic stage lines an lethality. Some keywords also have one or more synonyms – some are more relevant than others to a particular type of machine, but which you use is personal preference…
Drain, (or Vent, Discharge, Sump, Chamber) – this is the probe that is used to compare any measured temperatures with the machine display (for instance during an ACT), and should be viewed as a critical probe during testing.
Pressure (or just Pres) – pressure channel. If the pressure channel is not specified (i.e. the location is left blank) then the pressure trace will end up scaled the same way as the other channels (usually on a 0-150 scale, not very useful if you are reading 0-5 bar!)
Freespace (or Free) – Free space sensor used to compare the temperature between the drain & freespace during a small load thermometric test
Topsheet (or Top) – sensor under the top sheet of the test pack – used to compare the temperature between the topsheet and drain during a full load thermometric
Load (or Pack, Test, Centre) – sensor in the test pack or load – used to compare temperature of the drain and load during thermometric tests.
Not Used – this probe will be recorded and show on the chart/datalist but is not used in any calculations e.g.lethality, sterilising start stage insert etc.
Water (or Resev) – generally used for non-vacuum autoclaves, this probe is not used for calculating sterilising start & end, as it usually placed in the water reservoir.
One of the more complex examples of this is the saturated steam temperature calculation – this looks at the pressure value (which needs ‘PRES’ in the location name), checks the pressure units (in the General tab of the Test Specification), and then calculates the theoretical temperature. This is then subtracted from the temperature of the drain probe (called ‘DRAIN’ etc. in the location), and the value put in the correct box. If any of these are not present, the value will be incorrect.

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