19th April 2023

IPReports – Chapter 1: My Data Isn’t Importing!

IPReports continues to be the industry standard for providing professional and sleek looking validation reports, removing the need for users requiring ‘report days’ or spending hours sifting through long data sheets in other software.

In order for IPReports to sift through hours of data correctly, we use a function called ‘Data Sources’ that allow us to pinpoint the exact moments of sterilisation or disinfection relevant for the standards. This is important to know as it will require TQSoft data to be setup correctly before importing into the IPReports templates.

Data Sources can be seen by the end user by double clicking on any of the fields where data is pulled from TQSoft, allowing them to see what data is required for the report to be completed.

Take the below for example, in our Verification of Calibration template for Instrument Washers, the temperature and pressure needs to be taken during steady state conditions in Disinfection. IPReports then needs to know both the temperature probe and stage line from the data which to pull from.

IPReports Data Importing

Once the probes and stage lines are listed in TQSoft the data is automatically pulled into IPReports. Better yet if the Test Specification in TQSoft is setup correctly then this data will be pulled every time without much effort from the user.

Contact us on systems@isopharm.co.uk or +44(0) 330 165 9715 to find out more about IPReports Validation Software.